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"Nature promotes mutualism. The flower nourishes the bee. The river waters quench the thirst of all living beings. And trees provide a welcoming home to so many birds and animals. There is a rhythm to this togetherness.” Ran Nath Kovind |
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| March is arriving like a gentle lamb this year, and it feels like a good omen for the month ahead. While the weather starts off mild, we know this is a transitional month for our community programming and school programs are back in gear for the spring. An exciting program and Open Barn season is upon us!
Alan Jaros, Director | |
Open Barn and the Farm Kitchen & Store will re-open in April.
See the schedule below for open dates and times so you can plan your visit.
In the meantime, if you'd like some farm beef, chicken or pork, email at Kate to arrange a purchase before the store reopens. |
Wooly Workshop:
Join us for a scientific exploration of wool and sheep! March 16, 2024 9:30-11:30 (GradesK-5) |
| Springtime at the Farm:
(Ages 3-5 w/adult) Enjoy spring at farm to visit all the new animal babies (we'll have chicks!), share a farm-themed story, and learn about animal care. Join us with your favorite toddler.
April 4: 9:30-11:00a; April 11: 9:30-11:00a; April 18: 9:30-11:0a; April 18: 12:30-2:00p
Intro to Gardening & Soil Health: (Ages 16 through adult)
This introductory course explores successful strategies for small-scale gardening in Michigan climates and presents best practices for improving soil health by utilizing compost. This is a 2-part program on April 4 and April 11.
Details & Register Here |
Pre-order you Michigan native plants early to ensure your desired selection. You'll be supporting our local ecosystem by planting a variety of grasses and wildflowers.
Pick-up is May 18. |
More info & registration here |
Open Barn
Save the date to enjoy a special Open Barn with activities for all ages. More details to be posted on our website soon.
Towel Drive
Towels are a key part of our animal care and around the farm. Drop of new or clean, lightly used towels during this event! (no sheets or blankets)
Volunteer Service Projects Lend a hand to join us as a volunteer to help with projects in the production garden and forest. Pre-registration is required to volunteer.
April 20, 2024 |
Find out more here |
Harvest Club allows people to get special pricing on produce grown at our farm while providing flexibility to allow you to choose when you want your vegetables and what you would like. It is a great way to support your local farm!
| Details Here |
Limited availability! |
Beekeeping: Becoming a Worker Bee!
A story of a new beekeeper
Henry David Thoreau once said that the, “Keeping of bees is like the direction of sunbeams.”
Now imagine those sunbeams sting, have a hierarchy, overthrow one another, and have the ability to sense weakness. Tracy Niyo, a farm guide at Bowers Farm, has been diligently working at directing these buzzing sunbeams for the past year. She has taken a ten-month course, networked with fellow members of the beekeeping community, and furrowed her brow as she meticulously tended to her hive. Even saying “her” hive sounds wrong. It is the queen’s hive…until it’s not…
Read the full story here |
We are fortunate to have the support of so many volunteers to keep the farm operating smoothly and keep it beautiful. The groups below are seeking volunteers to join them.
| Preservation Bloomfield |
Preservation Bloomfield, a 501c3 organization, a non-profit, all-volunteer community organization formed to preserve and protect two historically relevant homes in Bloomfield. They are organizing a committee to host a series of events, Centennial Celebrations, 100 Years of Hometown History. They are currently seeking committee members to support several unique historic home tours. Fun themes include Ghosts and Ghouls at the Chalmers Estate and Prohibition, Bloomfield’s Underground Decadence. Contact Alan Jaros if you are interested in helping to plan or support the event
Master Gardeners of Oakland County |
The Master Gardeners have provided countless hours of volunteer time beautifying our flower and herb gardens which provide additional interest and learning at the farm. They are looking for volunteers to join them in their efforts around the farm on Wednesdays and Saturdays. Please contact Nancy if you are interested in helping out.
Looking for other interesting opportunities?
Check out our sister site at Johnson Nature Center. | Maple Sugaring: March is maple sugaring season!
Whimsical Woodlands Festival: Looking for builders of fairy/gnome homes for this event in April. |
Learn more here |