----------------------------------- P a r t n e r s h i p s |  | G e t t o K n o w Y o u r " F r i e n d s " | Did you know that Friends of the Johnson Nature Center is a registered 501c3 nonprofit organization, dedicated to supporting our nature center through ecological conservation, community outreach, volunteerism, and fundraising? Our valued members keep us going, and our volunteers make it happen! All are welcome whether you are a seasoned conservationist, or just want to learn more and be a part of something great. We are currently looking for volunteers to help with: Friends' Events committee - assisting with organizing community and fundraising events at the JNC
Friends' Membership committee - assisting with membership outreach, engagement, and appreciation
There is growing scientific evidence that getting outdoors and connecting with nature positively affects our mental and physical well being. Come and enjoy nature's beauty in all seasons at the JNC! Want to support our nature center? Get plugged in and become a member at johnsonnaturecenter.org/friends. For questions or to volunteer to serve on a committee, please email FriendsofJNC@gmail.com.
Can't volunteer, but would like to donate? Donate here.
| |  | Wild Ones - Garden Tour @ Black Cat Pottery |
Date: 08/20/2022 | Time: 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM | Location: 3903 Grayton St., Detroit, MI 48224 |
| Designed as a teaching and learning space, Cheryl’s garden includes over 200 species of native plants. Become acquainted with some lesser-known American Clematis species and the beauties of our native flora and the fauna they support.
The tour – which is free and open to the public – also features locally-made garden art. We will be featuring prints and notecards by Notable Greetings, wired glass vases from Puddingstone and Black Cat Pottery’s garden-inspired art. Join us at 10:30am for the dedication of a new Little Free Children’s Gardening Library. See their webpage for more information.
| |  | The Native Justice Coalition was formed in 2016 to be a platform for healing, social, and racial justice for all Native American people. You can provide support by learning more about their work and giving to their current campaign effort. |
------------------ Supporters of Forest to Table ... | Our appreciation to all supporters of the Forest to Table dinner event including: |
---------------------------------- For What It's Earth... |
Our friends on the high school Cranbrook cross country team have been utilizing the trails at the nature center since early July. We love hosting them as we have in previous years. Our newsletter editor is inspired to start running again after seeing the above Instagram tags, but it may fall short of becoming a reality just like eating more vegetables did for her. |
Bowers School Farm and Johnson Nature Center sit on Land, that was made by warm shallow seas and slow-moving glacial formations, with the most recent glaciers receding 14,000 years ago. This is the ancestral Land, Anishinaabewaki, of the Indigenous Peoples of the Potawatomi and Ojibwe, and the Ottawa, were the People of The Three Fires, the Anishinabek. This Land remains the contemporary dwelling of the Anishinabek.
Symbol writing for the Anishinabek county, Anishinaabewaki.
| | The Johnson Nature Center sits on a forty-acre site and offers visitors a myriad of visual pleasures and learning opportunities. The Visitor Center is open 10am - 4pm on Saturdays and trails are open every day from 8am until dusk. | | Johnson Nature Center | 3325 Franklin Road, Bloomfield Twp, MI 48302 | You are receiving this email because you have signed up for our newsletter. Click here if interested in the Bower's Farm newsletter. |